Пианино Julius Feurich Leipzig piano - Калининградская область

2 200 000 руб.
+7 (920) ✕✕✕-✕✕-✕✕
10 июля 2016 г. 20:54

Пианино и другие клавишные

Продаю антикварное пианино Julius Feurich Leipzig 1873 года инвентарный номер №3584. Привезено из Германии. В отличном состоянии. Клавиши из слоновой кости. Отсутствуют подсвечники, были из серебра.... Шикарный предмет искусства и антиквариата. Жемчужина любой коллекции и интерьера. ТОРГ / САМОВЫВОЗОт производителя: 160 Years of finest piano manufacturing artIn 1851 Julius Feurich introduced the worlds first piano with an under damper action. With this development he was 50 years ahead of his time, this is a construction principle that all modern piano builders use to this day. FEURICH grand pianos, and FEURICH upright pianos are produced using the same levels of craftsmanship, precision and experience. Only parts and materials of the highest quality are selected. FEURICH pianos represent the highest level of German piano manufacturing, recalling a golden age of traditional German production. All the current models draw on the rich heritage of the original FEURICH designs, but are being constantly improved. An important aspect of our traditional method is to preserve the typical FEURICH sound, very clear but with a refined romantic tone. With a tradition since 1851, FEURICH today belongs to the best-known piano brands worldwide and has received several awards.